
Our Values

We write our posts in their respective topics with the following values in mind:

  • fill in the gaps between too simple VS too much information in one posting
  • serve as a quick guidelines to assist one's journey in researching the topic of interests
  • stimulate new ideas with our unique insights
  • aims of contents are either: revealing, debunking, unique, practical, efficient, effective, concise, shortcut and theoretical in their respective topics (see details at the bottom of this page)
  • Promote the use of everyday language over specialized words for quick easy readings

Posting Rules

  • No duplicate of topics in their respective subject (Authors must avoid directly/indirectly writing the same topics that have already been written by other authors) Please thoroughly use keywords search in Savvy Open to make sure the desires topics are not already written!
  • Author must write posts that fit the values of Savvy Open written above
  • Be reminded that to be constructive and polite in language when commenting others' posts

Why Such A Need?

We are well into the age of internet that is overflowed with information in their respective topics. The experiences of searching information are like the following:

  • struggling with typing in the right keywords to find any relevant information
  • landing at pages after pages in finding the same thing over and over again in many discussion forums and websites
  • explanations are either too generic to be useful or too in depth to understand
  • perhaps at times that one will find some inaccurate information

Respect Of Originality

By all means, we respect all intellectual properties, patents and copyrights. We understands these can be the breads and butters for the individuals who created them. Therefore we ask our authors not to write posts that are not originals from them.

Additional Descriptions Of Our Posts

Revealing - reveal the unspoken truths and facts

Debunking - expose the false claims and the unreasonable predictions

Unique - one of a kind and not duplicate in its respective subject

Practical - concerned with the actual doing or use of something in real circumstances rather than with theories and ideas

Efficient - focus on maximizing results with minimum effort or expense

Concise - focus on giving a lot of information in short but comprehensive

Shortcut - focus on the fastest ways to do things; might not necessary efficient and practical

Theoretical - concerned with or involving the theory of a subject or area of study rather than its practical application

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