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(See more Elaborations at the bottom of this page)


(Wednesday, December 24th, 2021)

Total Tested Positive

The Adjusted Percentage below is to address the commonly Reported Percentage which does not fit into its corresponding data

Adjusted PercentageTested PositiveProcessed TestsUnprocessed Tests

Tested Positive Percentage By Vaccination Status

Important Indicators to show how well the vaccines are protecting us from being infected

Unknown StatusUnvaccinatedPartially VaccinatedFully Vaccinated

Daily Percentage In ICU due to COVID-19 by Vaccination Status

Strong indicators of the vaccines' effectiveness to prevent individuals from developing severe illness after infections

Unknown StatusUnvaccinatedPartially VaccinatedFully Vaccinated

Shared Percentage Of Omicron Variant

An often unreported indicator that shows how fast the new variant is spreading

87% (Source from CP24.com)

Observed Trends

  • The number of total tested positive percentage has sharply spiked since early December 2021, but how many are Omicron variant?
  • The fully vaccinated group has a steady rise in total tested positive percentage since August 9th, 2021 and rise dramatically since December 7th, 2021
  • Why the partially vaccinated group has the least tested positive percentage?


Great reference for research purposes and observing trends in data


  • Using The Percentage Rating Format is easier to understand the change of daily COVID-19 situation between each day
  • Quite often the number of The Unknown Vaccination Status group is combined with The Unvaccinated group, this can create a false impression of an unreasonable high number of The Unvaccinated group
  • The amount of Unprocessed Tests In Backlog is not always reported and a high number of unprocessed tests can make the Total Number Of Tested Positive much lower than it should be.

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